Solve for Tomorrow maka kompetisaun ida nebe'e dezafia jerasaun foun Timor-oan atu sai inovador nebe'e bele haluan ninia kreatividade no usa Siensia, Teknolojia, Enjenaria no matematika (STEM) atu bele ajuda hadia komunidade sira-nia moris
Parseria ne'e halo hamutuk ho UNDP Timor-Leste no Secretario Estado ba Escola Sekundaria no Eskola Vokasional, no sei loke ba estudante escola secundaria ano 10 no ano 11 . Finalista husi kompetisaun SFT ne'e sei simu premiu ba sira-nia ekipa no ba sira nia eskola mos.
Rejisto no submisaun sei taka iha dia 2 de Maio de 2024. Favor submete imi nia idea inovasaun sira molok tuku 23.59 meia noite kalan OTL
Opportunidade Ne'e
Young innovators competed in Samsung Solve for Tomorrow 2023
Kompetisaun Solve for Tomorrow (SFT) ne'e desena atu bele harii interese no matenek iha area STEM (Siensia, Teknolojia, Ingles no Matematika) no sei dezafia estudante sira iha ano 10 no ano 11 atu hatudu sira-nia maneira design-thinking atu bele ajuda hadia komunidade sira-nia moris.
Liu husi identifika problema ida nebe'e imi hare iha imi-nia komunidade - bele hare liu husi ezemplo diak sira husi kompetisaun sira antes iha ne. - no uza imi-nia kreatividade atu hatudu oinsa STEM no manera design thinking bele aplika atu kria solusaun nebe'e maravilosu.
Premiu sira
Samsung sei aloka premiu ekipamentos teknolojia nebe'e furak hamutuk ho voucher ba manan nain sira

Rekursu Sira
Rekursu ba Estudante Sira
Cek iha ne manan-nain sira-nia ezemplo iha SFT husi Nova Zelandia nian iha tinan 2023
Rekursu ba Manorin Sira
If you're a teacher and want to learn more about how this competition could work for your students, view our educator resource.
Our friends at the New Zealand Solve for Tomorrow team have kindly developed some design-thinking resources for teachers to download and help students with their entry projects.
Oinsa atu hatama submisaun ba imi-nia projeto:
Submisaun ne'e simples los - Iha etapa 2 atu kompleta.
Etapa 1 (Rekomenda)
Download no kompleta formato aplikasaun online.
- Formato Online sira tenke kompleta husi ekipa sira nebe'e hatama ona sira-nia Expresion of Interest molok ka iha loron 19 Abril 2024.
Etapa 2 (Persiza hatene)
- Bainhira imi kria ona idea no teste imi nia solusaun, favor kompleta formato aplikasaun online no upload imi-nia projeto uza formato aprovado. Tempu atu hatama ikus maka loron 26 de Abril 2024.
- Fo hatene ba ami buat hotu konaba imi no imi-nia idea. Problema saida maka imi koko atu rezolve no ninia solusaun saida, ba se, tanba saida imi-nia idea ne uniku no saida maka inspira imi?
- Sei karik imi halo ona projeto ruma antes, imi bele submete iha ne.
Estudante sira ano 10 no ano 11 no sira-nia manorin sira bele submete ba Solve for Tomorrow. Kada ekipa ida iha ema nain tolu. Kada eskola ida bele submete projeto masimu projeto rua ka liu.
Sei hakarak hetan informasaun diak liu tan bele hare rekursu sira iha ne no kontinua akompana informasaun konaba design thinking workshop nebe'e sei hala'o iha Dili no iha Baucau.
Submete aplikasaun online molok\loron 26 de Abril de 2024 iha oras 23:59 oras TLS
Formato ba submisaun maka hanesan tuir mai:

Esplikasaun liafuan masimu 500 hamutuk ho diagrama ou maket/model/arte iha poster medida A2 no A3
(kompila iha file ida no submete iha formato power point, pdf ka video ka JPG)

Apresentasaun Power Point
(max slide 10)

Halo Video
(max minutu 5)
Relevante (20%)
- Identifika problema ida nebe'e fo impakto ba imi-nia komunidade ka grupo ruma iha imi-nia komunidade
Feasibilidade (30%)
- Feasibilidade husi solusaun nebe'e imi apresenta uza teknolojia foun no konsidera rekursu sira seluk.
Kreatividade (20%)
- Kreatividade no Orijinalidade husi imi-nia idea
STEM (20%)
- Aplika maneira STEM atu resolve problema ida
Apresentasaun (10%)
- Kualidade no submisaun ninia efikas.
Data Hahu Loke
11 Marco 2024
Submisaun Expression of Interest
19 Abril 2024
Submisaun sei taka
26 Abril 2024
Anuncio ba Semi-final
2 Maio 2024
10 Maio 2024
Submisaun ba Final
7 Junu 2024
Final & Anuncio Manan Nain
26 Junu 2024
Our judges

Fernando Mouzinho Gama
National Director for Secondary Technical Vocational School at the Ministry of Education Timor-Leste
Mr. Fernando Mouzinho Gama is the National Director for Secondary Technical Vocational School at the Ministry of Education Timor-Leste. He has bachelor's degree in mathematics from Universidade de Beira Interior (UBI) Covilihã in Portugal. Mr. Gama is representing the Ministry of Education Timor-Leste as one panelist at Samsungs Solve For Tomorrow (SFT) Timor-Leste 2024.

Billy Maly
Internet of Things (IOT) specialist at International NGO SIMILIE Timor-Leste
Mr. Billy Maly is the Internet of Things (IOT) specialist at International NGO SIMILIE Timor-Leste. He has bachelor’s degree in electronics from Universidade de Timor-Leste (UNTL). Mr. Maly is representing INGO SIMILE as one panelist at Samsungs Solve For Tomorrow (SFT) Timor-Leste 2024.

Tiago Dos Santos
Trainer at Information Technology and Communication office TIC.I.P
Mr. Tiago Dos Santos is a trainer at Information Technology and Communication office TIC.I.P since 2022. He has Bachelor degree in informatics engineering majoring in networking and system administration from Institute Science and Technology AKPRIND Yogyakarta. Mr. Tiago is representing TIC. I.P office as one panelist at Samsungs Solve For Tomorrow (SFT) Timor-Leste 2024.

Shannon Watts
Group Marketing Director at Samsung NZ
Shannon Watts is the Group Marketing Director for Samsung New Zealand, ranked 5th in Global Brand Value, working across the entire portfolio from leading mobile phones and TVs through to your staple home appliances. She oversees the Marketing Communications, Digital Marketing, Corporate Comms & Market Intelligence.
Shannon is from New Zealand but spent ten years overseas working in Canada, Ireland and the UK, before returning to New Zealand.
She worked in the beauty industry for nearly 20 with eight years working in London for Coty Beauty UK before returning to NZ as Marketing Director for L'Oreal Consumer Produces for six years. Shannon then moved across to Mars New Zealand where she headed up the marketing team across confectionary, food & petcare.
Watts brings with her a wealth of local and international FMCG marketing experience in addition to consumer electronics, along with digital brand building and a strong focus internally within people and culture.
Maria Hill
Business Director at Cheil New Zealand
No stranger to technology marketing and solving problems in the community, Marysia Hill was born and raised in Poland. Armed with a Masters degree in English and Linguistics as well as Executive MBA from Helsinki School of Economics, she then moved to London to work across the European market for Samsung.
Prior to joining the Samsung/Cheil family, she worked on an Action Aid Project, helping build houses for Freed Camayas in Nepal. It is experiences like these that make her an ideal judge for students' Solve for Tomorrow projects, as they adapt the latest in technology to face current issues in their communities.
For the last 13 years, Marysia has held various roles with Cheil working for Samsung, currently holding the position of Group Business Director for Samsung New Zealand at Cheil New Zealand.
She's worked across many international markets, ensuring smooth operations and content management, and leading marketing initiatives across 12 languages. Some of her strategies for digital and social content have since become Samsung global best practices.
As well as taking a central role in Samsung' Solve for Tomorrow programme in Pacific Islands, Marysia has also been involved in the Samsung Enabling People Project with the Prince's Trust charity in the UK, aiming to inspire, nurture and cultivate entrepreneurship in young people.
Read More...Perguntas & Hatan
Se maka bele tuir?
Estudante sira ano 10 e ano 11 nomos sira-nia mestre/a. Kompetisaun Solve for Tomorrow ne'e sei involve ekipa estudante hamutuk nain 4 (inklui mestre/a nain ida).
Bele ka lae ami submete ami-nia projeto siensia ruma nebe'e ami halo antes?
Bele. Maibe tenke hare didiak katak projeto ne'ebe ami halo antes ne halo tuir ona rekerimento ba kompetisaun SFT nian.
Persiza selu atu partisipa ka?
La selu. Kompetisaun SFT ne'e submeter ho gratuito no la selu.
Ami bele submete dala hira?
Kada ekipa/team ida bele hatama deit aplikasaun ida. Mestre/a sira bele submete fodik ba sira-nia ekipa estudante ba iha kompetisaun SFT ne'e.
Se maka sei justifika no oinsa?
Submisaun sira sei reve husi ekipa de juri/panelista nomeado.
Ami iha interese atu submete ami-nia estudante sira nia obra. Ida ne'e sei fo benefisiu ba escola ninia kurikulu iha Timor-Leste?
Sim. Atu suporta manorin sira atu bele inkopera SFT ba iha sira-nia programa hanorin nian no alinha mos ho Ministerio Edukasaun. Objetivo husi SFT maka:
- Livre husi barera aseso: Laiha idea nebe'e ladiak, ka persiza iha kulaifikasaun ruma uluk. Ami hakarak estudante sira atu sente livre espresa sira nia-idea creativo sira no servisu iha ekipa ida
- Edukasaun inklusivo: Ami hakarak empodera estudante sira aru hanoin sira-nia komunidade no enkoraja kuriosidade konaba sira-nia mundo. Se maka iha neba? Saida maka diak liu? No Saida maka bele hadia?
- Aprende diretamente: Diretamente atu kria buat nebe'e maka relaidade no bele kria resultadu konkreta iha komunidade. Liu husi apliasaun SETM nian ami hakarak fornese ba estudante sira oinsa STEM bele usa atu kria mudansa
- Lideransa no manera aprendizajem iha grupo: Solve for Tomorrow ka SFT maka oportunidade ida ba manorin sira no estudante sira atu servisu hamutuk iha ekipa ida aprende atu fahe idea ba malu no ba oin no lidera sira seluk bainhira projeto sira hahu tama iha progresso
Samsung sei foti hau-nia idea karik?
Lae. Imi maka sei maintain direto hotu-hotu ba propriedade intelektual husi imi-nia idea.
Sei hau la konsege halo submisaun iha loron ikus hatama aplikasaun nian, hau sei bele submeter nafatin ka lae ba SFT ne'e?
Sei bele hatama nafatin. Loron ikus liu maka 2 de Maio de 2024.
Sei hau-nia perguntas la hatan
Halo favor manda imi-nia perguntas sira ba iha support@solvefortomorrow.tl

Sei imi persiza kontakto ami bele liu husi support@solvefortomorrow.tl